Take an IAFN approved (SANE) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Course.
To become a forensic nurse examiner specializing in sexual assault cases, specifically a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), you’ll need to complete a course approved by the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN). You can take an adult/adolescent course, adolescent/pediatric course, or a combined adult/adolescent/pediatric course.

Get Hands On Experience.
Sign up for our next 2 Day Clinical Skills Workshop. Our workshop allows for hands on experience with trained standardized patients to obtain clinical skills needed in the field of forensic nursing.
Another way to gain clinical experience is through our preceptorship opportunities. Email brookley@txfne.com to get more information on pricing & paperwork needed. There is no minimum requirement for how many days you precept with us, it is all based on your own needs and goals.

How Do I Get Certified?
Certifications always help but you do not need to be SANE certified to be able to practice as a SANE, most nurses wait to get a couple years of practice before taking their test for certification.

- OAG of Texas Certification Guide
- Bring paperwork to your Clinical Workshop or preceptorship with TXFNE so you will be ready to turn it in and receive your Texas Certificate.
- SANE Certification Application

- See the requirements below to be able to sit for the SANE-A & SANE-P Certification through the IAFN.